The standard Amateur No-Spin Knife event is open to all competitors who have not scored above 200 points in an IKTHOF sanctioned competition no-spin knife event. No thrower shall compete in both pro and amateur no-spin knife events. 3 similar knives are required for this event with a minimum knife length of 25.4 cm or 10 inches and a maximum length of 40.64 cm or 16 inches. Knives outside of these minimum standard may be allowed by the range master if demonstrated that they can be thrown consistently and safely.
The thrower will throw a total of 60 knives with a maximum available score of 300. Note that all distances are a MINIMUM and throws may be thrown from further back from that point but not in front.
Knives will be thrown from the left target to the right target in order. Knives must be both thrown from the minimum distance (or beyond) AND not complete a full rotation to be counted for score. Side arm throwing is permissible so long as the throw is not considered underhand. The determining factor of the throw is the elevation in an upward direction of the arm through the throw. The arm must make a downward or level motion throughout the throw. Underhand throws are not allowed.
A typical round will be thrown starting at the 2 meter mark. The second round is thrown from the 3 meter mark. The third round is thrown from the 4 meter mark. The fourth rount is thrown from the 5 meter mark. The fifth and final round is thrown from the 6 meter mark. These 5 rounds make up a set.
4 sets are thrown in a no-spin event totaling 60 throws.
After all three knives are thrown, a scorekeeper will approach and score your throws. It is important not to touch any of the knives in the target otherwise on a first offence, a warning will be issued, any subsequent offence will result in a 0 score issued for the knife. When throwing, the competitor must be aware of the minimum distance lines and not cross before the knife has left their hand. If the throw line is crossed, on a first offence, a warning will be issued, for any subsequent offence, a 0 will be issued for the knife.